dinner table


dinner table 的定义

n. 名词 noun

dinner table 近义词

dinner table

等同于 table

更多dinner table例句

  1. Her dad’s job didn’t necessarily make for big conversation around the dinner table either, she says.
  2. We can’t engage them in 21st-century discourse at the dinner table.
  3. If he were to sit at the same dinner table or enter the same elevator, my reaction would be to quickly and quietly leave, to avoid any unpleasantness.
  4. Any dinner table discussion with Barry inevitably turned to the dynamics of telling a story.
  5. The path to your dinner table remains a difficult one for these innovations.
  6. Eva Silverman, who co-hosts an Oakland Dinner Party, agrees.
  7. Though tissues are present and tears are not uncommon, the Dinner Parties are distinctly not grief counseling or group therapy.
  8. Those who come to the Dinner Party are self-selecting; they do want to talk about it.
  9. Talking about death is never easy, but with food, comfort, and familiarity, a new kind of dinner party is making it easier.
  10. Kyle Dietrich, 36, is a host of one of the DC Dinner Parties.
  11. Old Mrs. Wurzel and the buxom but not too well-favoured heiress of the house of Grains were at the head of the table.
  12. A small book, bound in full purple calf, lay half hidden in a nest of fine tissue paper on the dressing-table.
  13. There were at least a dozen ladies seated round the big table at the Parsonage.
  14. Miss Smith immediately rises from the table, puts up her dear little mouth to her papa to be kissed.
  15. It was Wednesday night; over forty men sat down to the house-dinner at the Pandemonium Club.